Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Photos of Me

I have to say I find the trend of teachers at ECU to take pictures of their students a bit odd. I attended university at Mid-America Christian for almost two years and not one of my teachers ever asked for a picture of me to help remember my name. Granted, the class sizes were a bit smaller so the need for it was probably considerably reduced. I suppose the even curiouser thing about it is that I even attended ECU for a year before anyone even asked for my picture there either. This semester I have two teachers that want to have my picture taken so they can remember my name.

Maybe you're just more like me and can't remember names as well as you can remember faces. I have the hardest time remembering names, but I can hardly ever forget a face. People I haven't seen in years I can sometimes pick out of a crowd if we end up at the same place at the same time. I've found that the easiest way to remember someone's name to match their face is if they have a story they like to tell or if I remember a story with them in it.

This could just be the writer part of me poking out, but I almost think it would be more fun to write a brief story either about ourselves or to write a story that defines ourselves; like a little hypothetical story that either defines our personalities or just gives a sense of what we do and how we do it.


  1. Bummer. I thought I was the only one.

    I have 103 students this semester. Learning all their names is hard. I am not good at it. I need a visual aid. Not remembering someone's name is embarrassing; having to ask them their name several weeks into the course is even more embarrassing.

    Your next assignment: write a brief story either about yourself or write a story that defines yourself; like a little hypothetical story that either defines your personality or just gives a sense of what you do and how you do it.

    Due on Monday. Post it to this blog.

  2. I believe the picture thing is a little bit odd, but he does it all in good purpose I'm sure. I think the hypothetical story is a good idea. I would be interested to see what everyone wrote about.. GOOD IDEA :)
