Monday, April 11, 2011

Islam in Schools

"One of Islam’s five pillars is to give generously to the poor, which our government embraces with things like Social Security and Welfare and can be a basis for understanding why we pay that in our taxes. Now, I know that our culture has not been as strongly influenced by Islam as other faiths and I hold no illusion of our culture being based on Muslim philosophy. Regardless of this I wish to convey that there are many places where morals that we value come from and with the conflicts our culture has had with Islam in recent years I think it is valuable for us to see places where we can agree on ideas that are valuable to us. The idea of charity and philanthropy for those in need are ideas that our culture values very highly. We can see this in nearly every natural disaster that occurs around the world. The United States is almost always the first person on the scene ready to offer aide just like in the recent tsunami disaster in Japan. Both of our cultures value giving to the needy and I believe that The Five Pillars illustrates that idea clearly for our children."

This is assignment 45 I guess. This is what I have written for today. I don't really need any comments on it. I think I would like to wait until the rough draft of the paper is done before beginning any comments or editing.

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